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[[Grzegorz Prusinowski <gprusinowski@interia.pl>]]

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----- Forwarded message from gprusinowski@interia.pl -----

Date: 18 Jun 2002 16:46:32 +0200
From: Grzegorz Prusinowski <gprusinowski@interia.pl>
Subject: frequent spawning
Message-Id: <20020618144632.9264026780@eri.interia.pl>

Hello folks,

I'm a starting apisto maniac from Poland. I currently keep
a. sp "Rio Mamore", n. anomala, m. ramirezi and had short stints
with a. cacatuoides, and some other species.
I've been reading the list for some time and now have a tickling 
question of my own.
if the fish spawn very often - is it healthy for them?
it usualy means, that they like the conditions, but laying eggs
every second week could be quite a burden for the female's 
organizm, that may perhaps lead to exhaust and a shorter life.

I keep them all in the community tank, so the fry usually 
disappears after a week or so and they start again - particularly
the nannacaras. the mamores have yet to mature a bit ;-)


Grzegorz Prusinowski
(Greg - if you want it simple ;-)

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