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Re: new aggie

John wrote:
"Whos to say that different locations of a particular
Aggie arent the same fish.... just because the first
fish is from Rio X and the second one is from Rio
Y.... why couldnt they be the same fish just different

As I understand things:
Different locations of one species CAN be the "same
fish", the same morphological type within the species.
 (Or two distinct type localities).  It is a matter of
how long the two populations have been separated and
to what degree they are separated.  If Rio X and Rio Y
fishes interbreed with great frequency then the rate
of genetic drift for both of the populations (both X
and Y) is slow and they will be more or less the "same
fish", same type.  

If they are separated to a great extent, say by a
stretch of land that does NOT connect the two
locations, even during the flood waters.. and they do
not get a chance to interbreed, then the rate of
genetic drift would be expected to increase and we
would expect them to be different types.  

Whether they are or are not significantly different
enough to say they are different types, and not simply
showing slight individual variation, is harder to
evaluate.  (This is where Mike Wise always seems to
come in.. )  

If I seem overly technical, I'm sorry.  I've been
debating speciation processes in fish, especially
cichlids, with some friends practically all day long
on the campus library.  This list provides us with
some great debate material.


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