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payaminonis / DNA

The suggestion looks interesting but I don't think that DNA technology is
precise enough for now to help us differenciate 2 fish that look so similar.
If you consider that Bono-Bono have a gene pool that is only ~ 1% or so
(i.e. not that much!) different than that of human while we look so
different, what can we expect from fish that are so similar and can we even
notice any difference. Maybe the difference is for only some allele on some
genes and therefore way harder to look for.
Any genetician on the list to help us with this?
take care

Yvan Alleau
712 NW Kings Blvd
Corvallis, OR 97330
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
office (Burt 222): 737-3649, to be used wisely!
home: 738-0606


"When you're far from everything, you're getting closer to the essential"

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com
[mailto:owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com]On Behalf Of Brian Ahmer
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 2:42 PM
To: apisto@listbox.com
Subject: Re: payaminonis???

The DNA thing is a great idea and I can't believe it hasn't already
been done.  There's a high school teacher on the betta list that just
started doing this with wild betta species.  It's really not very
expensive, especially if you have helpers with real labs (like me!)
and there just has to be funding agencies for this sort of thing.  I
thought this was what zoology departments do for a living??
Absolutely amazing that this stuff hasn't been done.  It's so
simple!!  I'm betting publishable results could be obtained (with
replicates) for $50/specimen.

>I don't chime in much, but I don't hesitate when I have a question.
>Surely someone out there knows something about what I am going to
>ask/suggest.  First question:  Why don't the "experts"  get together and
>agree on a species sample of each apisto.  In other words, you have a
>fish, get 3 guys together in the US, agree that that particular fish is
>representative for the species, then get a second opinion from overseas
>(to avoid any conflict).  Then get a few scales and extract the DNA and
>analyze it.  OK, I know.  Who has the money for that?  I don't, but
>isn't there some type of wild-life protection group that does?  perhaps
>a governmental grant of some kind could fund this.  It would be a great
>case since we lose millions of unknown species each year from the
>rainforest.  Also it could be used by anyone studying evolutionary
>trends.  It wouldn't take that long and wouldn't cost THAT much.  this
>could be done for each fish (apisto. or any others; but for this list
>apisto).  The trick would be to determine the quantity for each species,
>so not to confuse some crazy penotypic-mutation in one type, for an
>entirely different species.  It would basically eliminate the whole "I
>call it this, but he calls it that."  Anyone know if this can be done,
>or did I just waste 5 minutes on nothing?
>Archie Christian
>Creator & Author of	"An Idiots Guide to  Guiding Idiots"
>Phone (443) 287-3053
>Pager  (410) 283-9300
>Email  Achrist@jhmi.edu
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Brian Ahmer, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology
The Ohio State University
376 Bioscience Building
484 West 12th Ave
Columbus OH 43210

phone: 614-292-1919
FAX:   614-292-8120

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