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RE: need help to identify apisto

What about separating the females. I have had problems in the past telling
one specie female from another. Some sort of guide or key would be nice.

Erick Jones

just one of many failings I have :)

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-apisto@v2.listbox.com [mailto:owner-apisto@v2.listbox.com]On
Behalf Of Mike & Diane Wise
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 8:43 AM
To: apisto@v2.listbox.com
Subject: Re: need help to identify apisto


I looked at all your photos. Many show juvenile fish or photos that are not
good enough to identify. My guess is that the follow are:

ident(1), 2, 3? 4? 6? & 9 - A. cf. eunotus Orangetail
ident13 - A. borellii
ident5, 8?, & 14 - A. sp. Rotpunkt
ident12 - A. cf. eunotus but possibly A. sp. Masken. It hard to tell from
the poor photo.

My suggestion is keeping them together until the grow out. Each will be very
different from the other once they mature - especially the size & shape of
the caudal spot & the length, thickness, & shape of the lateral band.
Compare these features on photos in good dwarf cichlid books & you should
see a real difference.

Hope this helps,

Mike Wise

Patrick 'ZapZap' Lin wrote:

> Hello,
> I am in a bad situation , I receive some young fish from a friend, while
> ago, but he make unfortunately a little mistake.
> He put all the fishes in the same bag.
> So I grow them to be able to try identification but it is hard.
> So I ask help :-)
> Here is some pics : http://zapzap.zwf.net/ident/
> I am no a good photograph and the pics is not so good
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> ZapZap
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