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RE: Crenicichla regani?

Hi Zapzap,
This is my first try at dwarf pikes. You might want to ask the more experienced pike keepers on this list what's best. Francine, Z-man can you help out ?
This is what I did so far:
I had my regani's in a group of six pairs in a small tank at first.It was fun to watch their interaction as a group.The pair that I got originally from my LFS bonded in the small tank .
I moved my bonded breeding pair to it's own 20g long after their first breeding attempt.
The 20g is set up as a typical Apisto breeding tank with terra cotta saucers as spawning caves and some plant cover. FYI, I use pure R/O water for all my breeding tanks.
The female occupied one of the larger saucers immediately after I moved them two weeks ago.
I don't think regani are very picky about where to deposit their eggs.
I watched the female this morning leading her huge school of fry out of a terra cotta saucers right after the lights came back on. The male is unbelievable ,very protective. He keeps an eye on the surrounding area all day long and seems to warn the female if there's any sign of trouble(our cat). He attacked my hand when I cleaned the tank last weekend.
Our hobby is sometimes very frustrating but this is what keeps you going.
P:S. : I'll post the first fry pictures later today on the Digital Aquarium

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The Digital Aquarium, home of L&M Tropicals and rare, high quality Dwarf Cichlids: http://www.apisto.bravepages.com

From: Patrick 'ZapZap' Lin <zapzap@zwf.net>
Reply-To: apisto@v2.listbox.com
To: apisto@v2.listbox.com
Subject: RE: Crenicichla regani?
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 21:26:04 -0400

Congrat for your fry Max.
I plan to get a group of regain, now I am in the process getting all info I
can have.
Do you think it is better have a couple ou trio ou something else ?
What tank size are recommend ?

Do you use ABS tube or something else ?

Sorry for all the questions.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-apisto@v2.listbox.com [mailto:owner-apisto@v2.listbox.com] On
Behalf Of Max Gallade
Sent: 28 juillet 2003 09:20
To: apisto@v2.listbox.com
Subject: Crenicichla regani?

Wow, what a surprise. This morning I found about 200 fry swimming around my pair of C. regani(?) . I knew something was up. I haven't seen the female for a few days. She used to come to the front of the tank around feeding time but was missing for a few days. Question for all of you: I'm currently keeping two different kind of what I think are C.regani. The pair with the fry was bought from my local store. The male has a bright red line in his dorsal fin ,very pretty. I also have wildcaught pairs of C. regani "Alenquer". The Alenquer males don't have any color like my breeding male in their dorsal fins. I'm not sure if my breeding pair is C.regani. All photos on the web look like my Alenquer's. Any ideas? What forms of C.regani are known so far? TIA Max

Visit http://www.petbidz.com the ultimate auction site for live pets and supplies. E-mail: petbidz@hotmail.com The Digital Aquarium, home of L&M Tropicals and rare, high quality Dwarf Cichlids: http://www.apisto.bravepages.com E-mail: mgallade@hotmail.com lmtropicals@apisto.bravepages.com mgallade@apisto.bravepages.com

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