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Re: winter shipping

My in-laws live in Edwards on Rte 58. I'll have to stop by and say
hello next time we're up that way. Stay warm.

--- John Wubbolt <BigJohnW@webtv.net> wrote:
> Hey all
> I was just wondering if anyone along the northern tier of the
> country...
> along the canadian border, where life can get a bit chilly....... 8-)
> ..... I was wondering if anyone was actually shipping fish this time
> of
> year?   If you are, how are you shipping them, what carrier
> service.....
> and with what luck are you having with any DOA's due to really cold
> weather..... I know ppl will use a heat pack this time of year up
> north... but i just wanted to know of anyone actually shipping fish
> up
> north with any kind of good luck.... Im bored and need some new
> fish!!!
> Imagine that!!!
> Tundra Johnny in Balmy 3°F Tupper Lake.. soon to get colder.....
> brrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!
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