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Ram breeding


My pair of rams (not sure if they are german, blue, wild caught or asian) are ready to spawn. They have spawned a few times before but they always eat there eggs. The one time i sperated the eggs i had about 30fry out of 200 eggs hatch.

I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to yield more fry?

Im not sure if it is the male or female who eats the eggs. I think it is either the female or both. Just because the male usually is not near the egg site.

I put them in a 10gallon barebottom with some flat rainbow rock and a sponge filter. the male is coloured brilliantly and the females belly is bright purple, and they are hanging around one of the rocks. So i imagine breeding is imminent.

So any suggestions on what I should do??

btw. the Taeniacara candidi trio i put in a planted 15 is going alright. the male and one female paired and killed the other female. and she has got a huge belly and the male and her display frequently and go to different caves. I supose they may spawn soon too.... any suggestions there?

thanks coby

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