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My wife wants her guest room back :(

My wife announced last week that she want the guest bedroom back from the
fish.  So I am going to have to find homes for a few fish.  I have the
following fish avalible to a good home for free:

6 female and 1 male Cacatoide.
1 male Aggie
one breeding pair of Rotputks
about 50 Rotpuct fry about 3/8" long
2 adult female kribs
about 10 1" long krib fry

Please keep in mind I have never shipped fish before, and do not have any
supplies for shipping, and the nearest fedex drop off point is over 40 miles
from me.  A local pick up would be best.  I live in Wasco, California, just
north of Bakersfield.

BTW, I will be selling two tank stands with tanks, lights, filters, and
heaters soon, this includes one that holds 8 tanks (4x 10 gallon, 1x 29
gallon, 3x 25 gallon), and another that has 6-27 gallon tanks.  Let me know
if any one is interested.  Otherwise they are going to go on Ebay when I
find homes for the fish.

C. Alan

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