Hello everyone, I've actually been hearing things from the list for awhile, and finally got around to adding my name. Well, my fish are sort of scattered between Texas and Seattle. In Houston I am finishing up my fourth year of med. school and Seattle is where I live with my husband. Confusing I know. Currently, I and all of my fish are in Seattle, and I am all of the U.S interviewing for Internal Medicine Residency. Apisto's are my passion, but I love Pelivcachromis as well. (TX water is just a little too hard on Apisto's w/o an ro unit) Currently, we have A. cacatuoides and fry, A. "Puerto-Narino" and fry, and A. nijsseni. I have been drooling over the A. pandurini but on my student budget can't get them yet! And I am sure I will be adding more Apisto's as tank space become available. As for other Apisto hobbies, I am into photography as well and love researching the literature with what spare time I have (too little). Right now I've been trying to research the latest work done on splitting Apisto's into groups and complexes and had a chance to drop by and see Mike Wise while interviewing in Colorado. I've been trying to locate some German Texts as well, if anyone has any suggestions or a spare you want to part with let me know. Or if you see one pick it up I'll happily reimburse you...one is Ingo Koslowski's book (Die Buntbarsche der Neuen Welt Zwercichliden). I thought I could order Schmettkamp's book but one publisher said it was now out of print..the title there is "Die Zwergcichliden Sudamerikas". Also got to drop in and see Pete Johnson's and Lisa Wrischnik's fish while interviewing in Dec., there fish were great and I love Pete's designs on his tanks. The Pelvicachromis we keep are (I know boo...not apisto's) are P suboccelatus, P taeniatus color forms moliwe, nigerian green, kienke and bandewouri. Also P pulcher, and fry from the above species. Toss in a few others like 3 species of julis, and some dicrossus fimentosus and a few others, and that covers most of the fish we have. In total we have way too many tanks for a one bedroom apartment, 14 in the kitchen, 4 living room (really 3 1/2, the 1/2 is a bucket run off of a 75 g), 2 in the bedroom, and a 45 at my husbands work housing my kienke's ( and yet I am always tempted to find room for one more tank-that started at tank #11) My partner in fish escapades is Erik, quite awesome with the plants, and fish as well. Thank goodness he likes fish, esp Apisto's. I look forward to hearing the latest on the Group!! Kathy Knudsen Olson