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Re: Corys & Apistos

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997 17:26:10 -0600 (CST) mengerin@cs.utexas.edu writes:
>> >I've read apisto's and cory's are a volatile mix -with the cory's 
>> >up floating. I've been too concerned by this to actually try. First 
>> >experience anyone?.
>> I keep dwarf corys with A. agazzizi and A. gibbiceps without 
>> I've also heard someone warn about this -- along with Otocinclus sp. 
>> but my experience so far does not support the warning. Some of the 
>> nastier Apistos such as nijsseni and pandurini might be a problem.
>I don't know why you've considered njisseni nasty.  I've got several 
>caught pairs of these fish in with BIVs, E. sexfasciatus, cardinal 
>otocinclus, and D. filementosus.  I've only seen aggression directed 
>other njisseni and never anything vicious at the other fish.
>				Cheers,
>				Matthew
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In reply to your comments, I will just mention that my pair were spawning
and brooding young around the tank when they became more than friendly
their tankmates. I would not therefore recommend apistos and cory cats be
together specifically, when they start to breed. 


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