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Food & Vitamins

Does anybody out there have any advice on feeding apistos?  I mostly feed live 
baby brine and some flake food to my apistos.  I know of one apisto breeder who 
swears by earthworm flake. I have observed that most of the of the fish that I 
keep seem to particularly like freeze-dried bloodworms.  I'm particularly 
interested in home-made formulas and other non-traditional feeding strategies.

An interesting magazine article appeared last year in one of the major aquarium 
fish publications (don't remember which and when) that was written by someone 
who claimed to have bred numerous difficult to breed fish.  His secret had to do 
with his feeding formula. The writer claimed that many of the difficult to breed 
fish will breed if given the proper nutrition.  The article seemed to make a lot 
of sense.  I have not heard about any successful apisto breeders who formulate 
their own foods and was wondering if anyone out there has any secrets that they 
would be willing to share.