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Re: Food & Vitamins

Ed Pon wrote:
> Does anybody out there have any advice on feeding apistos?  I mostly feed live
> baby brine and some flake food to my apistos.  I know of one apisto breeder who
> swears by earthworm flake. I have observed that most of the of the fish that I
> keep seem to particularly like freeze-dried bloodworms.  I'm particularly
> interested in home-made formulas and other non-traditional feeding strategies.

Hi Ed,
	It's nothing original, but along with baby brine shrimp and frozen
bloodworms, I use whiteworms to fatten up pairs very successfully, and
live wingless fruitflies for some species. My pandurini love them,
veijitas wouldn't touch them. Originally I put them in as killie food,
but the apisto interest caught my eye.
	When it rains, I get earthworms from the walk, and after some gross
machinations, they're dandy too. I live in a major city, and have had no
problems with these live foods. When I can, I get daphnia, etc, but
that's too rare to matter although it does show with the colour and
behaviour of the fish when I do do it.