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Re: Food & Vitamins

I use a home made food which works like a charm with almost all
my fish (apistos, killies, tetras). The secret is not really the
ingredients but to make it really smooth w/o any "lumps".
1 pt fish (low fat, salt water)
1 pt shrimps (whole, except tail and antennas)
1 pt peas
spinach (just a little, can cause pigmentation-changes)
orangejuice (for fresh vit-C)

I don't do more than I feed in two months. Longer than that and
some vitamins get old and useless..
Make absolutely sure that the peas and shrimps are processed to a
lumpless paste. If you grind it enough it's very useful to fry
(> 1 cm SL) as well. You may want to add some binding ingredients,
since this falls apart quite easily and forms a cloud of particles
(which is the way I want it). More fish and shrimps binds pretty good.

I give them this about 40% of all feedings. Alternating with (frozen
and/or live) mosquito-larvae, brine shrimp, daphnia and cyclops and
they spawn regularly.


- -- 
Fredrik Ljungberg, Linkoping, Sweden