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Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Water Softener question

Pete Johnson writes:
>Five gallons seems a bit small, though I know some on this list have 
>succeeded with spawns in them. I've spawned several species in 10-gallon 
>tanks, but 20s are my preferred size. Soares likes large tanks for 
>Apistos, but that's a luxury for most of us. Incidentally, he's been an 
>advocate of raising fry with parents and has done so successfully with 
>many Apisto species, though he's now separating youg from parents to 
>promote more frequent spawnings.

I've had spawnings of borelli, rotpunct, and some mcmasteri-types (don't know 
exactly what they were), in five gallon tanks where the java moss covered the 
tank from top to bottom.  I'm  somewhat hesitant to throw a pair or trio of 
apistos into a bare or almost bare tank of anything under twenty gallons
Milpita, California 95035