All my successful spawns of Apistos so far have been in 10 gallon planted tanks, often with other fish present. I now have a pair of A. caetei with a large batch of two-month old fry all by themselves in a mulmy 10 gallon with plants, gravel, and a box filter. I have a very small pair of A. borelli that spawned last night on the glass side of a similar setup that also contains a dozen or so adult Aphyosemion gardneri. These guys spawned before and the female was herding a small school around for a few days before they disappeared. I think I'll try to remove at least some of the killies this time. I had several spawns of an unidentified Apisto. in a 30 gallon with a few other fish about a year ago, but never saw fry. I have Papillochromis altispinnosa that have spawned for the second time in a 55 gallon community tank. These are my recent experiences; I changed focus from killies back to dwarf cichlids only about a year ago. In southern Indiana about 25 years ago, I had success with A. cacatuoides, A. aggassizii, and P. ramirezi in 10 gallon tanks with plants and undergravel filters. As I recall, I incubated the ram eggs artificially, but in all other cases I left the eggs and fry with the parents. It is probably coincidence, but I haven't had Apistos raise any "litters" successfully in anything larger than a 10 gallon. In most cases, other fish have been present. The population density has been about the same in the 10 gallon, 30 gallon, and 55 gallon setups, but of course a larger total number of fish were present in the larger setups. I've never tried Apistos in tanks smaller than 10 gallon, but I believe the A. caetei and A. borelli I have now would probably do okay in a smaller tank. At worst, I'd have to remove the male after he had done his bit. - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Nute Professor and Head, Department of Philosophy (706) 542-2823 Director, Artificial Intelligence Center (706) 542-0358 The University of Georgia FAX (706) 542-2839 Athens, Georgia 30602, U.S.A