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Rams ready to spawn ?


I bought 5 small rams 2 month ago. I have 2 pairs and a 'single' male.
They are in a community tank with 4 Discus and about 25 cardinalis.

Now, the male rams are about twice bigger than their female and each
pair has a well defined territory. It is very interesting watching at
them. There are some figths in order to defend territory limit, but I
never saw a male figthing with a female (only male/male, fem/fem). 

My tank is a 280liters (about 75g), temp 30, KH 3, GH 3 , PH 6.5. A lot
of plants.

Since I have the discus, I fed this tank with live food or frozen food
only. I have a pair which is more and more agressive toward the other, I
guess that they may be ready to spawn but... Is the female supposed to
a bigger body (eggs) ? It is pink, but should I wait longer for her to
be ready, or should I try to stimulate them ?

What about the discus, they may eat the eggs ?

Regards, Fred

- -- 
  Frederic Perez, qhsperf@ehf.ericsson.se

Ericsson Hewlett-Packard Telecommunications
1, rue Roland Garros
38320 Eybens	