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Re: Water flow & spawning

On 5/12/97 10:33 PM, Ed Pon (edpon@hotmail.com) wrote:

>The body shape of the 
>taeniacara remind me somewhat of a dwarf pike and may indicate the type of 
>waters in which they naturally occur.

The body shape is elongate, but they move very slowly around the tank, 
often freezing in one position. Despite their apparent streamiling, I 
suspect they come from sluggish streams. Maybe they were so relieved when 
I pulled off the power filter that they figured they should breed to 
celebrate that they were still alive.

>By the way--I don't know if you remember Albert 
>So's warning, get the male out of there quickly or he may not survive the 

Yeah, I remembered his warning that the female would kill the male, so I 
moved the male into a floating plastic isolation container.

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        If wishes were fishes we'd all have ponds

Pete Johnson  /  San Jose, CA  /  petej@wordsanddeeds.com
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