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RE: Apistos relocating eggs

If the eggs were there about 2+ days before she moved them, she did'nt 
really move the eggs.  Rather, she plucked the fry from the eggs and moved 
them to another location, which is fairly typical.  If you looked at the 
fry right at the time of the move, they would still look very much like 
eggs, because they are nearly all yolk sac.  But if you look closely, you 
would see the tail and the beginning of the head development.  If you want 
to prove it sometime, pull the eggs and hatch them artificially.  You will 
see the "eggs" release from where they were attached in 2-3 days and pool 
up at the bottom of the hatch container.  Close examination will show these 
to be hatched fry.  You might even still be able to see the egg casings 
still attached to the original spawning site.  The fry undergo radical 
physical changes over the next several days, but all of that occurs out of 
the shell!
