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RE: Describe some Apistos for me?

>>I couldn't find: A. coriati, juruensis, ramirezi, ortmanni.

Juruensis is a more recently available apisto from the cacatuoides complex. 
 David Soares et al. had an article on them (with plenty of good pictures) 
in Cichlid News about 18 (?) months ago.  They are pictured in the Aqualog 
book on Apistos as well.
In my experience, they have the same body shape and thick lips like 
cacatuoides, but their fin extensions are not as pronounced, and their 
coloration is not as extensive.  They tend to have orange highlights, 
though I have been told that some also have some degree of blue coloration.

You've heard about ramirezi and ormanni.  I have never heard of coriati.
