On Fri, 01 Aug 1997 13:58:53 +0000 Robert Park <park00@earthlink.net> writes: Hello, This post is not about Apisto's but it is on Dwarf Cichlids. I was just wondering where I could get some Pelvicachromis, if anyone has any out there they would be willing to sell. Please E-mail me. Thank You. Robert Park Robert, I live in Michigan. A local store named WET PET carries several species of Pelvicachromis. i.e. humilus,roloffi,taeniatus and subocellatus. Prices were a little bit higher than I expected. However, I am told that the stock are all WILD. Pairs of the following fish were available this week. Fish were all adult specimens. Pelvicachromis sp. rollofi taeniatus "Wouri" $75.00 pr. taeniatus "Moliwe" around $50.00 humilus selction of wild kribs and subocellatus he orders West Africans once every 4 months. Also of interest he carries several different kinds of Apistogramma such as agassizii,cacatuoides,sp."Pandurini",nijsseni,resticulosa and sp."breitbinden" also several cool tanganyikan and lake malawi cichlids. Drop me an email if interested. The phone number at WET PET is (248) 559-2858. Regarding the humilus I think they were "Yellow" possibly. I can't remember exactly. I was just overwhelmed to actually see these fish in a store. It would probably be best to call him at the store. Ask for Todd Potter. He should be able to set you up with some fish better than I can. Another source for these might be Anchor Bay Aquarium in New Baltimore, Michigan. www.he.net/~aquafish Phone 810-725-1383 I bought a pair of "Moliwe" there about 2 months ago for $30 a pair. Also Waterlife Imports in New Jersey has lots of pairs available. Phone 201-827-2361 Fax 201-827-2095 Sales Fax 201-475-9042 Average price for pairs are 25 or 30 dollars. calabar,lobe,kienke,moliwe,klugei,nange and redthroat. Also what about Phil Pearson in West Viginia I believe he breeds a number of Pelvicachromis. And Kurt Zadnik with ACA lives in Kentucky as of recently he to may have what you want. Talk to you soon. Phillip Ryti Rytireefs@juno.com p.s. I believe other dwarfs are up for topic not just Apistogramma.