Hi all, Forgive me if I repeat myself - I think we talked about this earlier on the list. I was able to get viable fry (16 survived) from one of two pairs kept in a 15 gal tank at 78 degrees F with pH 5-5.5 using DI water + blackwater extract and the occasional liter of tap water (a final conc. of <10-20 ppm, depending on the hardness of the tap water). I would change about 1/4 to 1/3 tank volume weekly. (Someone earlier mentioned doing extreme water changes on these guys - I don't recommend it. I know that my rams hated it - they got ick if I overdid it. I think you have to balance clean water with stable conditions). The tank was heavily planted and also contained driftwood that leached out a significant quantity of tannins, etc. I found that if I turned off all lights at night, the female would have "lost" her fry in the morning, but when I left her a night light, she kept them under control. I tried to leave the fry with Mom, and did so for about 2 weeks, but unfortunately the stress of reproduction got her sick, so I removed her (and the others) from the tank. >From other posts, it sounds as if I actually lucked out, here. I also fed the adults live brine, baby brine, and frozen bloodworms. I kept 10 of the fry, and I know that I ended up with at least 2 males (I was unsure of the effects of this low pH on the sex ratio. I tried to keep the temp within a range that gives a balanced sex ratio for most apistos, too). Lisa