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Re: pH

I use a "Discus Buffer" that I bought from "That Fish Place" pretty
cheap.  Then I give it a squirt of Tetra Black Water Tonic, but not
much.  Afterwards you can check the PH and adjust with more if you
like.   Amounts tend to depend on your water.  I also use half and half
- - tap and RO water.  If you are serious about fish, RO water is a
necessity and bare bones units are only 80 or 90 bucks.  The Discus
Buffer goes down to about 5.8 which I find OK for most of my South
Americans and my plants.  I must admit that there could be some
phosphates in it but I have not had much of an algae problem with it.
Anyone not using RO has tons of phosphate anyway.   Peat is a messy pain
in the bog.  Besides, I guess I don't mind a bit of algae. The fish pick
at it.