Bob sais: >RIck- >I am keeping A cacatuoides with neons, corys, and otocinclus. Hatchets work >good also, and occupy the top couple of inches of the tank while the Apistos >will stay near the bottom. I have also used Serpae tetras and silver-tip >tetras. Be sure to keep tetras and hatchets in a school, so they can shoal >together. I am surprised that I seldom hear pencilfish mentioned as ideal tankmates for apistos. They are small, have very tiny mouths, and are totally unagressive. One of my favorite dithers is feeder guppies. It looks like it takes the feeder guppies a couple of generations to adapt to the really low ph. Some other people mentioned heterandia formosa--I haven't tried them out but I am slowly adapting some to lower ph levels currently. A really hardy tetra which I am keeping with apistos is the black neon tetra. I have kept zebra danios with apistos but I have some concern that they may be a bit fast and get some of the fry. ______________________________________________________