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Re: Show down at the O.K. Tank

Anyways, they don't seem to be getting physical, but has
>anyone else experienced this?? Is it bad news or what? Soon as I see any
>violence I will remove the cacatuoides to his old tank.

I have housed more than one species of Apistos in the same tank. The
difference was that I also had the females in with them. I don't see why you
should have any real trouble as long as there are no females. Right now, I
have a 55 gallon community plant tank with a handful of A. cacatuoides and a
pair of A. bitaeniata. No problems. The male cacatuoide is only flaring at
his own kind and is ignoring the other species. There are also some Black
Neons, Otos, and Bristlenose plecos (my babies) and a handful of Albino
Guppies. Everything is fine. If in the future you do plan on spawning them,
put ONE pair in a tank of their own. Let nature take its' course.

Hope this helped.