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Re: Show down at the O.K. Tank

Please! don't forward or give me apisto mail to me.

Thank you.

At 21:40 16/11/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Anyways, they don't seem to be getting physical, but has
>>anyone else experienced this?? Is it bad news or what? Soon as I see any
>>violence I will remove the cacatuoides to his old tank.
>I have housed more than one species of Apistos in the same tank. The
>difference was that I also had the females in with them. I don't see why you
>should have any real trouble as long as there are no females. Right now, I
>have a 55 gallon community plant tank with a handful of A. cacatuoides and a
>pair of A. bitaeniata. No problems. The male cacatuoide is only flaring at
>his own kind and is ignoring the other species. There are also some Black
>Neons, Otos, and Bristlenose plecos (my babies) and a handful of Albino
>Guppies. Everything is fine. If in the future you do plan on spawning them,
>put ONE pair in a tank of their own. Let nature take its' course.
>Hope this helped.