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Re: Bad mom!

 Hi Bob

How long should I wait to take out the fry`s or would I be better off
taking out the parents.

Thank You

> In a message dated 97-11-21 05:36:04 EST, George wrote:
> << I`m having a similar problem with my Apistogramma cacatuoides
> (Triple
>  reds). Breeding them in a 15 gallon tank. Female does take care of
> the
>  fry`s, till she spawn again. Then most of the fry`s disappear.  Guess
>  she eats them. This happen to me twice.
>   >>
> That is normal behavior.  When the female is ready to spawn again, her
> maternal instincts turn from the last bacth to the next one.  IMHO, in
> the
> wild, the fry generally manage to drift off and get eaten or just
> drift off
> and find new places to hide on their own before the female is gravid
> again.
> Bob
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