The past month has taught me the importance of r/o water and a good pH meter. For months my spawns had slowed down to almost non-existant. Then I decided to put money into equipment instead of just into fish. I bought a new CTA r/o unit and a PinPoint PH meter (chemical tests are a pain). The meter allowed me to discover that my old r/o unit's product water was slightly alkaline and buffered more than I thought. The new unit now produces water in the high 5's. In the past four weeks I have successful spawns from four new Apisto's (including "pandurini"), two African dwarfs (the new Pelvicachromis sacrimontis and Nanochromis transvestitus), a tetra, and my first ever Rasbora (perhaps a thousand fry!). I was excited to see Rasbora going through the spawning sequence--this is a difficult genus and I had never seen it from a Rasbora. Anyway, my point is that investment in the proper equipment will go a long way toward success. A serious Apisto keeper/breeder should have an r/o unit, a reliable pH meter, a refrigerator dedicated to keeping live/frozen foods, and (of course) reliable heaters/thermometers. - --Randy (back in buisness)