Hi to everybody, a few month ago i bought 4 blue rams (2 male, 2 female) and kept them quite alone in a planted (Cryptos and Microsorium) 100 l tank. The males had an estimated size of 40 - 45 mm the females 35 - 40 mm. I started to feed as well as i could (living daphnia and white mosquito larvae, frozen food, flakes) in order to raise them a little. The tank temperature was kept at 24 C to avoid breeding (I thought - but they didn't understand). Just after a few days I had 2 pairs, which were fighting at the borderline to enlarge their territory. Just the following day both pairs spawned. Do they often spawn in groups ? The eggs were gone 2 days later and both pairs had trouble with each other and with the concurrent pair. Soon after that happened the first male and soon following the others died. A few years before i had 2 (definitely) female rams that were kept together alone in a little tank separated from the male also in order to avoid early breeding. The females spawned together. A few days later both females died too. Does that happen often ? Is anyone able to tell me how it works ? In the meantime I tried it a few times with rams. It seems like a course. Thomas