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Re: White Silica Sand

On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Leo Reinhard wrote:

> The LFS told me that white silica sand will cause Diatom algae and is too
> sharp for any bottom feeders-ie- SAE, Loaches etc. Would like to here
> comments from list members.

I don't know about the algae, but I can definitely verify the bit about
sharpness.  The silica sand they sell here feels like little glass shards
and has killed off many a corydorus catfish (it looks like their barbels
actually got SHAVED).  Haven't bought it since then.

However, the term "silica sand" may mean different things to different
people.  This was a whitish blast sand that is sold for sandblasting.

  - Erik

- ---
Erik Olson				
eriko at wrq.com