Hi all As I mentioned in a previous post I have a pair of German Rams in a 33 gal "temporary" setup with plants in pots and no gravel on the bottom of the tank.I forgot to let the Rams know that this was only temporary quarters until I decided on which substrate to use in a breeding tank ( I am the one who asked about white silica sand ). They started to clean a rock today within an hour after I lowered the pH to around 6.5.There now appears to be about 100 eggs.The male is fanning them while the female ignores them and strolls ( actually swimming) around the tank. I added some Liquifry to the tank shortly after the spawning to stimulate infusoria as recommended in the Liquifry instructions.Has anyone else tried this and does it work? If the spawn survives, how soon can they take baby brine shrimp? I am leaving a room light on tonight is this OK and if so, how long should I continue doing this? Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Leo Leo Reinhard rein@better.net Pickering Ontario Canada