Hi again, I in the process of setting up the 10g tank I intend to keep Dwarf Cichlids in. I plan to set it up as such: Aquaclear Mini filter Fine gravel 1 15W Power-glo light-bulb Peat plates under gravel Lotsa Java Fern, Java Moss Piece of Mopani root Coconut cave(s) At the LFS, they have German Rams, which I really like. Would they work in my setup? I would intend to keep them with a small school of Cardinal or Neon tetras, and a small school of oto cats or SAEs (how big do these get?). If the Rams can't work in this setup, the LFS also has the following: A. borelli, A. cacatuoides - double red, A. aggassizii, and A. mcmasteri, Nanno-something (sorry, I forgot what sp. these were) and a few other A. sp. I can't recall. All these fish were about $50 canadian /pair. All of these species were recommended to me as a beginner, but which is the most forgiving? Thanks in advance, again! - -- Jesse Mathies Surrey, British Columbia Canada mailto:jessem@direct.ca