As Dave Brown correctly mentioned there is a copyright issue here. However, I intend to ask persmission of site owners to put in a link. My intention is to provide links to sites with Dwarf Cihlid photos, and then to provide summary info as to what species are represented at that site. I will NOT be displaying the photos on my own page, or trying to claim ownership to anything not mine. I intend this page to be a sourcepage for where interested "surfers" can go to look for good shots, not a one stop picture gallery of apistos, etc. I hope this clears up any misconceptions or reservations fellow members of the list may have regarding the project. - ---Kim - -- H. Kim Hay The Stonehaven Group Edmonton, Alberta 403-453-2012 ADMIRAL, n. That part of a war-ship which does the talking while the figure-head does the thinking.