Hi guys, We just got back from a mega-weekend (or was that mini-vacation) in Houston. First off, gotta say, _Village Tropical_. Great store. They have a dwarf corner with about 12 10-gallon tanks turned on end with apistos and pelvicachromis. We brought a box home with A. cruzi, A. "four stripes", and a male P. subocellatus. They have the nicest plant display I've ever seen too, with four or five tanks of varying tech and types of plants, one of which had a couple pairs of D. maculatus (which weren't for sale, unfortunatly). So I'm catching up on the mail from the past week. Let me put in my 2 cents on the "master apisto picture" site, from the perspective of someone who's maintained a site with species pictures. First off, if it's going to reference outside links, it's going to be a pain to maintain. When Uwe Romer personally goes down to Taiwan and pulls that person's plug for stealing his pictures :), zap, there's 100 links to be fixed. When I move the Krib to a new home and decide to re-arrange all the pages again, same deal. This is also based on presumed permission given by the original sites for you to link there. The alternative (which is the direction I chose in '94 or so for aquatic plants) is to concentrate on having the information available ON SITE instead of linking. This is tougher, because you have to either take the pictures yourself or convince others that your site is not just good enough to let link to you, but worthwhile enough to "give them" your pictures (thanks Ken). Bob (I think) mentioned that this would be better than a picture book of apistos because it can be more complete and up-to-date. The latter is true, but the former is not. At least at this time, there are far more photos available in print media than what we have on the net so far; I seriously doubt this will change in the near future, but I am fairly content to stick up original photos every couple of months to go with all the great articles you're all writing. I like that because of this list, we had photos and spawning tips on A. panduro months before any publication. Anyway, bit of rambling, sorry. Oh yeah, one other point, about the asking people to link stuff. Take it seriously, irregardless of the legal issues. Ask first, and listen. I've been on both sides of this coin. Egos can be heart, nerves tweaked, ire raised just for not including (or including) someone's name without asking. That person may be standing across from you at the next ACA convention with a bag of Apistos you just gotta have... :) - Erik PS: If you have photos or articles on any dwarf cichlid, send 'em my way; I will *always* put them on the Krib. - --- Erik D. Olson amazingly, at home eriko@wrq.com