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RE: new partisipent

I'd be interested in knowing the water conditions that allowed your
Bolivians to spawn.  Any info?

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Tim Ellis [SMTP:timellis@flash.net]
	Sent:	Wednesday, March 04, 1998 4:42 PM
	To:	apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
	Subject:	Re: new partisipent

	I had 2 Bolivian rams, 2 wild caught Blue rams, and 4 angels in
a 70 gal. and
	when the Bolivian's spawned I had to remove the angels within
three days because
	they were harassing the new parents. After moving them out I
have had virtually
	no loss in fry numbers.

	Tim Ellis

	a muir wrote:

	> To all Apisto Fans,it will be a honour to be involved in
	> with breeders of this delightful species.
	> My methods of keeping and breeding this species of ,are a bit
	> to a great deal of the experts.
	> I keep and breed 4 out of 7species of Apisto with Pairs of
Angels, who
	> also have fry, and I have never had any problems as for 4yrs
	> Could anyone tell me if they have ever tried this method ?
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