Hi Folks,, I noticed that my mail program must have spewed a bit on Friday. I'm running Outlook and am still getting used to it. I noticed a couple of unfinished e-mails in the Digest. My apologies!! Bob Dixon, gave me good advice on not putting Angels in with Apistos. The Apistos will remain in their species tank, with Cardinals as dither. I just had this really cool image in my mind of the angels raising their fry, with the little dwarfs and their fry, swimming around on the bottom. Maybe this would work in a 50 gallon or larger tank. Read into this,, I need more tanks,, more is better!! GRIN!! ___________________________ Apisto Romance!! A male and female Cacatuoides started courting yesterday. She is turning yellow, and his red is the colour of fire!! They staked out a flower pot, and keep chasing everyone else away. The Agassijii male kept chasing them away from the pot they had staked out. The two males actually even did a little fighting!! I started feeling a bit sorry for the couple, and when they were both in the flower pot, I picked them up pot and all, and moved them into a 10 gallon tank all to themselves. This morning they were sleeping in their little pot together,, too cute!! After they had their breakfast, they both started doing funky dances for each other, and keep cleaning the inside of the flowerpot!! The female keeps rubbing up against the male, and he pumps up his dorsal and caudal fins, to show off to her. __________________________ William Groth, was wondering about tank size. I use 20 gallon tall tanks for my angels. I have one pair, of black super veils who have lived in a 20 gallon tank all to themselves, for almost 2 years now, and this couple spawn every 2 weeks or so, without fail. I think the dimensions are 24 inches long, 12 inches in width, and about 24 inches tall. This pair of angels are fairly large, and they are pretty tame, when not protecting babies, but vicious when they are brooding. They are the ones that keep biting me, when I try to clean their tank Heather and Mike say,, >Vicky - so glad to "meet" you! We live in Perth, Ont. and >are even newer than you. We've been at this for about >a year - started it up for the kids - they got bored, we got >hooked. Not as badly as you, only 3 tanks running, one >in waiting and hundreds on the wish list :>). Must admit, >I'm absolutely green with envy - a bucketful of fishy >treasure! I am still in the dreaming stages with Apistos. >Currently keeping Angels, corys and tetras. >What shops do you like in Ottawa? We have found a >shop in Kingston that we really like, but nothing too out >of the ordinary to be found there. >See you 'round the groups. HI Heather and Mike,, Glad to virtually meet you also. I travel to Perth quite a bit in the summer on my 2 Harleys, (one at a time), and I go out to Cameron's Harley Shop. I kinda like Aquarium Services, West-End store, (I bought 3 Cacautoides from them, and two of them are the ones courting right now), but you have to be very careful when you buy fish, I like to quarantine any fish from I buy from any of the shops. My tanks are pretty well self replicating, so I don't buy fish very often these days. I seem to find new baby fish every few days in most of my tanks, especially the live bearer tanks. I can't wait for the 2 new Pet Smarts to open up. These look like they will be huge stores. I think they are called "Pet Smart", or something like it. If you want, give me a call at 613-722-8604. Vicky and her fishy buddies.