> I was wondering just what steps you go thru to condition your water. Mainly the > peat usage. I am using pure RO water, adding trace elements, adding sodium > bicarbonate for buffering, and using Aqua Lab's PH Minus.(lots of phosphate!) I > dont have any problem getting the PH down to 6.5, but I would like to try and set > up a tank for my Iniridae and I've been told this fish needs aq PH of 5.0 or > lower. Using pure RO water you should be able to get the pH down to something approaching 5.0 by filtering the water through peat. In my experience these pH lowering chemicals are a bit unpredictable and it is a pain to keep adding them to get the desired effect. It is probably the sodium bicarbonate which is increasing the pH. AFAIK this does not increase the hardness (i.e. the buffering capacity) but increases the pH. If you leave this out them the pH should probably drop as you require. If the pH does get down to 5 them keep a close eye on it as it is easy for it to drop even lower to a point which is too acidic for the fish. I used to have a pair of A.iniridae which spawned a couple of times, no success with the pH at about 6.5. I therefore agree that they probably need lower pH (or perhaps lower hardness that can go hand in hand with the low pH) for a successful spawning. The male iniridae is quite a site when he is courting the female with thelarge dorsal fin raised. Ken.