After the debacle with the filter cartridge, the young pair decided to spawn again. The spawn took place on Friday, and now the eggs have been moved from their original location on the underside of a piece of slate into the empty filter bag. The eggs are now rapidly vibrating back and forth without being fanned by the mother. Presumably this means they're alive and will hatch soon? Since someone already provided a wonderful synopsis on krib-care, I won't ask again but I do have one question... These were labelled as p. pulcher "Red Phase" in the fish store. Is anyone familiar with this alleged morph? Finally, thanks to all who responded to my questions about gaining soft, acid water. While I suspect an RO filter lies ahead in my destiny, I used peat and bog wood to get my pH down sufficiently for the female to regain her spectacular breeding color. Hopefully this means that I'll get a spawn from them soon.