Tim, I am also new to Apisto's, but based upon what I have learned to date, what you describe so-far sounds an awful lot like the blue-yellow A. hongsloi. This doesn't make sense, though, because from what I understand, that morph occurs mostly in Colombia. Pictures would help. Who knows, maybe some one on the list knows which questions to ask to identify them. Cliff >I can't tell you much as I'm a novice to this hobby. The most I could find out is >that the collector lives in Venezuela, the fish were collected from the Laguna Provincial >in Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela. The thought that the fish are in the Hongsloi genus comes >from the locale of collection, and the bright yellow coloration the male has on his head >back past the gill plate. The male has a very large dorsal that extends almost to the end >of the tail, the anal fins are the same length, the pectoral fins are sky blue, there is >also a red caudal spot and some red under the abdomen by the anal fins. They also have >very small, pointed mouths.The female was a dull grey until she went into brood colors(she >has not lost them yet). The female is a very bright yellow with ablack checkerboard >pattern on the sides. These fish have turned out to be very prolific spawners as well as >showing admirable parental care.