Hi all, I am sorry with having local question, but does somebody know a source/s of A.nijsseni and/or pandurini in Houston, Texas area. At no avail in LFSs. I would like to buy a pair/harem. The only thing I have to trade is A.cruzi 1 mo old fry which I would like to sex before giving away. Another question is about rams' fry (I am using an excuse it WAS apistogramma species before becoming microgeophagus). I have several spawns and about 30 fry from each seem to survive at first, but several days after hatching most of them suddenly die in a matter of couple hours. It is not starvation, does not seem to be related to water changes or their absence. Fry is in 1g container, with own air stone, floating in parental tank. 2.5 pairs of parents are spawning almost every 3-4 days, so I have constant supply of caviar to experiment with, but do not want too much of unproductive waste. Will try coffee filter next time. Any suggestion from someone with positive experience on keeping ram's fry alive? Lilia