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Re: Sponge Filter

>  Anyone use a sponge on a 30 G - or is the tank too big?
Yes. I have almost ALL my tanks using Hydro-Sponge filters. My tanks
range from 10 gallon tanks (I use the HS-I) on up to 100 gallons. In the
55's I use one HS-V, and in the 100 I have one Hydro Pond (which with
air driven is up to 1000 gallons and if with a power head or water pump
it does up to 1500 gallons) and a HS-V.
I now only have one tank left that has an UGF. It is a steel frame 55
and eventually will also be transferred over to just a HS-V.

I find these work really well in my tanks. I have used the HS-I's in the
10 gallons when I had apisto's. I still use them today for breeding my
corys. I especially like them in my rearing tanks. (20's to 55's) Darren
has a plant tank that uses a HS-V. I really like them.

Just my opinion.


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