Hi to the apistogramma mailing list. I'm a newcomer here, living in France. I recently had the chance to buy a couple of Pelvicachromis taeniatus Moliwe, captivity bred (eastern europe I think) of 3,5 cm for the male and 3 cm for the female ( which incidentally has blue eyes, a red belly but no horizontal black ray on the side as kym's P. Pulcher female). As in Linke's book but with red belly. I keep them in a 160l tank (40 gal), fully planted with actually zebra danios and guppies as dithers fishes. I will softly try to get the spawning's water datas proposed by Linke in my tank. I've read many interesting things on the net about these lovely fishes (the krib +++, the CHOP and many others), and i ask your netty sagacity (is it understandable with no false meaning?) about tips and lived experiences about the keeping end breeding of these fishes. Are they really tougher to make spawn than usual kribs ? Is the pH related sex ratio of 50% correctly goaled with a 6,2 pH ? Expecting not to have posted a too much "newbyer" question, i would also like to know if there is a way to search (with key words) the Apisto mailing list archives without downloading the whole "thing" on my hard disk. Thanks in anticipation, Moliwely your, Colin Dujardin : coenga@infonie.fr ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@majordomo.pobox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@majordomo.pobox.com. Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!