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iniridae female

I have a collection of fish from the ACA which were supposed to be
"uapesi" but turned out to be 3 male iniridae, a male agassizii, and a
female which I assume to be of one of these two species.

The female has yellowed up and seems to be guarding something (probably
eggs as I see no fry moving) in the roots on the back side of some Java
Fern.  I think the female is iniridae, but I'm not sure.  I have seen
only a few pictures of the females of either species.

The female sports a prominent side spot on top of a
distinct-but-not-bold lateral band.  This coincides with a picture of
iniridae in the Aqualog, but I don't have enough female photos of
agassizii to know if/how those females differ by markings.  Furthermore,
the pH is just below 4.  I am assuming that iniridae is much more apt to
spawn in this low of pH than is agassizii. (Mayland/Bork claim a need
for a pH below 5.0 to get iniridae eggs to hatch.)

So I believe the female is iniridae, but does anyone have any insights
on distinguishing the females of these two species?


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