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Re: Amazonia at Washington Zoo

Guppies originally came from Trinidad, a few miles of the coast of northern
Venezuela. A closely related species, Endler's Livebearer, actually comes from
Venezuela. Some people think Endler's fish is only a geographic race of Poecilia
reticulatus. There are livebearers originating in the Amazon, but not guppies.

IDMiamiBob@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 10/23/98 6:33:09 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> fazekasz@gusun.georgetown.edu writes:
> >  it is full of guppies.
> Guppies?  In an Amazon display?  Hey! I thought guppies were a Caribbean coast
> fish.  Someone who knows for sure, answer up, please.
> Bob Dixon
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