George, Two possibilities come to mind. One is a nasty little gill paracite called Epistylus. They collect on the gill filaments and suck blood from them. When too many cover the gills its like asthma in humans. A malachite green treatment or any of the fluke killers will get rid of them. The other possibility is that the gills were badly ammonia burned in shipment. These chemical burns literally etch the filaments off the gills making it harder for the fish to breathe. If this is the problem, only time and super clean conditions will cure the problem. Ammonia burns are not usually found just on a single specimen, however, but throughout the whole shipment. Mike Wise Geo/Len wrote: > Good Evening > > On the past week end I purchase a pair of P. taeniatus "lobe". The > female today, is staying on the bottom of the tank, not swimming alot, > stay mostly in one spot and is rapidly breathing. > > Have the pair in a very well planted 35 gallon community tank PH 6,6 > water hardness is 120 ppm , Nitrite, Nitrate and Ammonia are at 0. Temp > 76 F > > Also did a water change today. Didn`t seem to make a different!!! > > Is there anything I can do help this fish??? > > George > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This is the apistogramma mailing list, > For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, > email > Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!