Hi everyone, I just got bizarre experience with sex change in A.cruzi.. Of many fry i got from my trio, most were males, females I got i gave to friends, and shop refused to take the rest because they want of course pairs. Now I stuck with 2 tanks loaded with fry. One had about 20 males, second had just too small fry to tell. Well, now the story. 3 weeks ago I was rearranging my tanks and decided to dump several A.cruzi males in the show tank there I intended to breed A. steinachneri.. Just for bioload or diters.. I put 5 of them, about 1 to 1 1/3 inch long, 4-5 month old males.. Well, now they ALL turned females. Black ventrals, round dorsal, yellow color.. I put in their father.. they spawned today.. I know I had some problems with sex determination before, but about a month before rearrangement of tanks, Kathy was here.. She took the last female I had in that tank and may share her impressions about the rest of fishies in the tank - they WERE males, and the rest still ARE. I can not think of any differences between two tanks - both are RO water filled, and I may take some more pains to clean the show tank. Only point is - show tank has a regulated +29 C (84F), the other tank fluctuates with RT (I turn off conditioner going to work, so it can be significant some times). As a supportive note, I transferred third of small fry from another unheated tank to regulated one and they all appear females to me, but still too small. Here are only 2-4 females in two-third remaining at room temperature (40-50 or so fishes). Appear quite strange to me they can do it so late in life... But come see them females.. BTW, if someone wants a breeding pair.. or some juveniles.. I will exchange them for any apisto I do not have (I have cruzi and steindachneri). I am in Houston, TX. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Lilia ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@majordomo.pobox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@majordomo.pobox.com. Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!