ALEX PASTOR wrote: > Ken Laidlaw Wrote: > > >Well, without conducting this test I'd say that fry fed > >well in a tank with plentiful water changes will grow > >faster. > >Ken. > > Let's not speculate. That's the way others like CNN and the > newspapers earn > a living. I tend to lean very heavily in your direction but....(heavy > duty > water changes is how all the big breeders everywhere maintain their > tanks)... and alot of the small breeders do the same...size has little to do with it. > hey let's see what happens with apistos. ...well then perhaps we can not change or add water for a year and see what happens...I'd guess (speculate) that the water would dry up. > There are enough people > out there with lots of tanks and lots of fry. The only thing stopping > them > is inertia. ...or perhaps common sense.If I've ever run into a test that didn't need to be done...this is it. It has been done with other fish many times...I did one like this with guppies in the late 60s. Good grief...and when you get done with the rather unscientific methology and someone asks you if you wieghed the food and calculated the mass of the fish and contolled the temperature and took into consideration that water evaporated (insert your choice of many questions)...then what? Having just completed a 20 pair study of barometric pressure and egg production...I can tell you these seemingly little tests become huge burdens and a bit less than enjoyable to most hobbyists...and like the test I just completed, someone always hates the results and challenges the validity of this or that. Try counting eggs from 20 pair of killifish every day or 3 months. If you want to study something that might yield results that we don't already know...try studying the effects of temperature on the metabolic rate and see if the fish grow faster in warmer water...and then do the offspring of said faster growing fish (assuming they are)...are those offspring as strong as the grandparents or do the following generations lose something in the faster growth (assuming they do of course). BTW, the study on the barometric pressure resulted in preliminary results (we're studying the process for critical flaws)...the pressure went down and the next day's egg production was down...the pressure went up and the next day's egg production went up...yes, I have reread what I typed...down=down and up=up...just the opposite of what people have said would happen... My never ending $.02 worth, Take care, Jim -- High Prairie Farms Freshwater Aquarium Fishes San Rafael, California 415-472-7294 (phone) 415-472-7971 (fax) LIVE FOODS! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!