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Re: Reputable Apisto stores in the NJ area

hello Rob
If you're really into checking out apistos in a pet shop I know of 2
places that always have them.
First off everytime I go the That Fish Place in lancaster Pennsylvania
has Apistos in their tanks.   They are also normally quite expensive
even for more commonly found ones like Borelli or Cacatuoides.   The
second place is a bit of a drive, but well worth it.  This is The Fish
Place ( they had the name first hence "The") in North Tonowanda outside
of Buffalo New York.  They regularly stock about 7 to 10 species of
Apistos and quite a few West Africans.   Prices there are also awesome.
I've found good 2" Apisto Steindachneri brightly colored up at $4 a
Cacatuoides, Nijsseni, Panduro, Juruensis, Gibbiceps have all been there
for under $10 a fish.  Can't go wrong when you can walk into a pet shop
and come out with breeding sized Apistos for under $30 a trio.   Plus
everything else there is incrediable.   I've been to shops in Chicago,
NYC,  Cleveland, Milwaukee, all across New England and never have I been
in a better shop for selection and price to go along with quality.   No,
I don't work there either.  It's a 6 hour drive for me and I do it
everyother month because It's worth the trip.   Hope this helps.
I have heard that there are some awesome shops in Baltimore though.   I
need to check them out when I visit my nephew and his wife this summer.
John Wubbolt

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