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Afishionado: new store in nyc

hi yall,

you know i've been making fun of myongsu kong for being a lurker, and worse, a
lawyer, but today i finally was able to go to his store and meet him for the
first time.  let me dispell all your fears: the man is human (in spite of his
profession), i couldn't see any scales or tails... :-) and the only reptile in
the store is a copper python that they inherited from the previous owners and
he's desperate to sell (ok, enough lawyer jokes).

anyway, he's a very nice guy, unlike the owner of the store across the street
whose name i won't mention, he's very knowledgeable and his interests being
chiefly with dwarf cichlids, well, nothing else is needed to vouch for his
character and rectitude (in spite of you know what...).  

anyway, i was stunned by the sight of some gorgeous Pelvicachromis taeniatus
he had.  the Moliwe and Wouri were stunning, and swimming like schooling fish,
unlike those nasty kribs.  and he also had several apistos, M. altispinosa and
N. aureocephalus.  i'm now seriously considering starting a west african

so the moral of the story is, nyc needed something like this since we keep
losing good stores, as the ny'ers can tell you, we lost 2 good stores in
manhattan in the last few years.

tsuh yang chen, nyc

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