I was recently surfing around for some of the better Dwarf
Cichlid books
when I came across this at Amazon.com. Here is a direct link to the
It's called simply "South American
Dwarf Cichlids"... by Bork and Mayland. Published:
Verlag A.C.S. It's nearly $60. It's an AQUALOG book, but I
have not seen mention
of this one. Is THIS the infamous "American Cichlids 1: Dwarf
Also, I found one called "South American Cichlids II". This seems to be all
Dwarf Cichlids. This led me to my ultimate questions.
1.) Which of the three (South American Cichlids II, South American Dwarf
and American Cichlids I, Dwarf Cichlids [Linke, Staeke] ) is considered to
be the best?
2.) Where in the world can I find the translated version of American
Cichlids I???
I found a book in That Fish Place under Tetra Press by "Linke and Staeke"
simply" Dwarf Cichlids.... is that it?
Thanks everyone! -- Derek Wingert