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Re: Anomalochromis thomasi

I am assuming we are talking about a wild pair here?
Highly inbred fish may egg eat and what I am about to
say may not apply.

Fish do not their eggs unless their is a problem with
their environment. They eat the eggs because it is a
great expendeture of energy and they reabsorb this
energy to produce more eggs later on. Anomalochromis
thomasi needs very soft acidic water so your pH may
not be to their liking try it in the pH 5.5 range.
What typ of water are you using? Try adding peat and
perhaps even making it a bit softer. Also unless your
testing with an electronic meter that 6.8 pH may
actually be pH 7 or higher! Though many liquid test
kits are ok I have found some to be very erronious.
And lastly maintain very high quality water ie: water
changes. No filter will ever replace water changes
when it comes to our soft water dwarfs in particuler.
The microsiemns of their home waters are very often
very low less then 10 us/cm ( for the black water
species. Although Anomalochromis thomasi is West
African it inhabits very similar waters.) In the
aquarium pollutents like urine, nitrates etc... build
up and raise the microsiemns to levels where our eggs
may not hatch. So perhaps some more water changes may
help you. Good luck

David Sanchez
Orlando, FL
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